What is Frase.io and Is it Worth Your Money in 2023: A No-Bs Review



Before we get to Frase.io, you'll be the first to admit it; SEO sucks. It is not fun at all unless your idea of fun revolves around sitting on a computer for hours doing competitor research.


It's even worse if you have to do it manually over several pieces—draining, repetitive, and also a terrible use of your time.


What if I told you there's a tool that makes getting on page one of Google, where you belong, less of a hassle and a more rewarding and productive experience.


Well, reader, meet Frase.io.


As the two of you catch up, this piece will cover everything you need to know about Frase, SEO, AI-driven content development, and everything in between. Cheers.


What is Frase?


Frase.io is an AI-powered tool that helps writers, marketers, and editors streamline their research and augment their content development.


In doing so, Frase provides a solution to the two problems every content marketer faces; finding relevant questions and answers.


How Does Frase Work?


Frase uses machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to automate the bane of every writer's existence.


Like a reverse-engineered search engine algorithm, Frase crawls related successful articles and brings to the surface long-tail keywords, headers, and questions that propelled these pieces to the top.


The machine learning functionality comes in handy in automating many repetitive tasks in content optimization, such as writing outlines and creating content briefs.


Features: What Frase Brings to Your Table With Just One Click of A Button


Frase is packed with innovative features that may seem a bit overwhelming at first. However, after a few weeks of use, you'll come to see Frase for what it is; a breakthrough in automated content optimization.


Here are a few features that explain why Frase is beloved in the content marketing community:


1. Research-Backed Questions


The first and monumental step in building a robust SEO strategy will be finding your searcher's intent through the questions your audience asks.


This long and winding process will take you to the depths of forums such as quora and Reddit, into Google autocomplete and related searches on many pages.


Regardless, demystifying searcher intent is everything a writer despises, i.e., repetitive, mundane, and redundant.


Frase automates all this for you and uses your keywords to collect questions from every relevant corner of the internet. These include:


  • Related searches
  • Reddit
  • Quora
  • People also ask
  • Search Autocomplete


It's also a life saver for creating a FAQ schema for your blog if you need one.


2. AI-Generated Content Briefs


Content briefs are the answer to writing quality content, putting your writing needs into context, and scaling your strategy. 


An excellently written brief does all this while keeping your writers and content team on the same page. 


If you've ever made one manually, you know how time-intensive this can be. Multiply that by 30 or 40 blogs, and what you have is work-related depression.


Well, you'll be glad to learn that Frase automates all this for you. Generating a content brief is the first suggestion Frase will give you when you create a new document.



Once you click on this, Frase's AI will ask for the long-tail keyword you intend to write about. It will then scale the web and come up with a content brief that's made up of:


  • A recommended word count
  • Long-tail keywords
  • Short-tail keywords
  • Questions your target audience asks


Proceed to click on the automate content brief tab, and Frase will ask you to choose what you want your outline to contain.



Once you click the "insert brief into editor" button, Frase.io will create your brief on that page. You can then share this brief with your respective writer and get them to start writing.


3. Generating a Content Outline


An outline is usually the first step of writing anything. In fact, any great blog that you've ever read was once a coherent skeleton of ideas waiting to be brought to life.


With Frase, creating outlines has never been easier. And it takes this a step further, allowing you to create outlines that are optimized for SEO, meet search intent, and are relevant to your audience.


You're probably wondering how. Well, Frase takes your outlines from the headers of articles that rank for your particular keyword.



Building an outline is as simple as clicking on the "Outline Tab" on the right toolbar. Frase will then generate a list of H1 and H2 headers from the top-ranking articles for that particular keyword.


You can then click on any H1 or H2 tag you deem relevant to your article, and Frase will add it automatically to your outline.


4. AI Writer


Frase's AI writer offers an expedited way to move from an outline or a nebulous cloud of ideas to a refined article. This tool will literally automate the writing on your behalf as you take a much-needed coffee break/power nap.


You will find this AI writer feature on the right of the toolbar of your content page. 



Once you click on the AI writer, you'll be prompted to choose the number of words you want to write and your desired level of creativity.


Frases AI will then automatically create a paragraph from the instructions you fed it.


Nonetheless, Frase's AI writer still leaves a lot to be desired and a similar room for improvement in the future. Here is a paragraph it generated for us on the topic of "what is Frase.io."



As you can see, the writing is still robotic, and many pundits will argue that tools such as Jasper do a better job. However, the AI writer is just a sneak peek into its features. This AI writer can also help you:


  • Automate your generation of title introductions
  • Turn a question into a bulleted list of answers
  • Turn a product's feature's into a list of benefits
  • Generate a list-based outline for your listicle
  • Write a follow-up paragraph for your articles


5. Content Optimizer


Frase's SEO-optimizer is its largest selling point and most popular feature. If you're using Frase, you'll probably be using it to optimize your articles, rank higher in search engines, and beat your competition.


All this happens on the content optimizer, which you'll find on the right toolbar of your content or content brief page.



What you'll love about this optimizer is the utility is that it gives you:


  • A proprietary (0-100) keyword score
  • Each keyword and its density
  • The ability to look into each keyword


Frase allows you to optimize both your published and unpublished articles. 



You can optimize your unpublished articles in the following steps:


  • Type the keyword of the article you wrote
  • Find your article (Frase will then bring your article to its content page)
  • Wait for Frase to analyze your article and benchmark it with the competition (this will give you a report on what the article misses)
  • Rework your article for improved optimization


What is the Frase.io Pricing Plan


As expected, all these bells and whistles don't come for free, but as many would agree, it's a small price to pay for optimized content, enhanced brand awareness, and lead generation.


Frase offers three pricing plans (basic, growth, and enterprise) to cater to businesses across the spectrum. Here's how they compare:



Advantages of Using Frase.io for Your Content Marketing


Embracing Frase.io will come with several measurable improvements and subtle efficiencies that add to a transformed content creation experience.


For the sake of your time, here are a few benefits you'll be seeing a few weeks after embracing Frase.io:


# Time Savings


You won't realize how much time you spend optimizing content until you automate that process entirely to an engine like Frase.


Immediately you start using Frase.io, your turnaround times will be much shorter, and you'll have more time to spare for other productive activities in your content marketing.


# A More Productive Team


You'd be surprised at how much time your team spends on mundane tasks. Writing content briefs, generating outlines, competitor research, and question development, you name it, and your team probably spend days doing it, and you end up spending money paying.


With Frase.io, your writers get to concentrate their time and energy on the core activities that impact your bottom line, grow your audience, and generate leads.


#Shareability and Enhanced Workflows


Frase goes a long way in helping you not only create optimized content briefs but build robust, productive, and timely workflows with your teams.


The option to share each brief and outline with your writers and create a deadline for each piece brings each of your readers on the same page.


#Responsive Customer Support


Frase has responsive customer support that won't leave you on read or fail to pick up your phonecalls. They also have an effective catalog of videos that will explain everything you need to know about these features.


#Fill Content Gaps


Are you struggling to find what's not working in your content creation and SEO? Maybe you've followed all the standard practices to a T, but things still aren't falling into place.


Well, Frase.io will go a long way in helping you diagnose your current content marketing strategy. It will help you unearth your content gaps, analyze your competition, and analyze your already published blogs.


Cons of Using Frase.io for Your Marketing Campaigns


Like everything else, Frase will come with its fair share of disadvantages that will frustrate you every once in a while. Here are a few:


1. Disappointing AI Writer


There's no way around saying it. Frase's AI writer isn't as good and still has a long way to go before it gets to the likes of Jasper.


2. Jack of All Trades and a Master of None


Sometimes, you'll find yourself feeling that Frase is everything in general and nothing in particular, and you're not alone.


Take Frase's Ai writer and Bot feature, for example; they're pretty decent but are nothing in comparison to tools that specialize in being Ai writers and Bot creators.


However, we'll give it to Frase for being a one-stop-shop—helping you reduce your tech stack, data silos, and reliance on feeble integrations.


3. The Competition


As a Frase.io user, you'll always be thinking about the competition that offers everything Frase provides but at a discount.


Our Verdict: Does Frase Belong in Your Content Strategy


From our perspective, it's a resounding yes. Frase is a handy tool for any content creator and marketing strategist; it is:


  • Affordable
  • Convenient
  • Has a reasonable learning curve
  • Has a proven ROI


As users of Frase, we recommend it as a curation and optimization tool that belongs in your content marketing tool stack besides other tools such as Grammarly. 


Hey, Why Stop at Optimization, What if You Never Had to Write, Ever?


One thing they'll never tell you about the most successful blogs and websites is that their owners never write them.


Well, and you should too. Writing is not only tiring, but it takes 6 hours out of your day that could be spent on learning something new, doing more productive things, or diversifying into YouTube or Podcasting.


Well, a win-win proposition. Why don't you let Zoey do what we do best(write your articles) so that you can focus on what you do best (running everything else)? 


For more information, contact us today, and our teams will be more than willing to help.


Before you leave, check out these handy content writing tools reviews;



Photo by DeepMind on Unsplash