Ebook Writing Services

Ebooks allow your industry to tap into the power of long-form content. Three hundred words can be enough for most people.

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Ebook Writing Services: The Power of Long-Form Content


Ebooks allow your industry to tap into the power of long-form content. Three hundred words can be enough for most people.


However, there’s a select group of people, especially those with a C somewhere in their title, that will need more than that.


They know the devil is in the details, and that’s what they look for. They want to drown in data, be engulfed in statistics, and get the whole picture.


Here’s where your ebooks come in. 


They will help you:


1. Educate Your Audience


Most important of all is educating your audience. We’ll tell your story in ways no one else can. We’ll leave your audience well-versed in your products and subject matter, and more than that, we’ll leave them yearning for more.


2. Generate Leads


Long-form content will have your B2B clients itching to contact your company. B2Bs love two things, making money and engaging with businesses that seem to know what they’re doing. Our team of creatives here at Zoey will write ebooks that inform, educate and compel your audience to do more than make a purchase.


3. Become an Authority


It’s anyone’s dream, and Zoey is here to help you achieve it. Being an authority in your industry makes generating leads less of a hassle. 


Once you’re a household name, you’ve done half the work, and convincing clients becomes one less thing to worry about.  


What Does Perfection Look Like To You?


Perfection means different things to different people. To you, it could be the glory of a well-baked pizza.


PictureThe cheese melting off the edges, the crust more crispy and crunchy than ever, and the seasoning that makes you thank the Italians for such an invention.


Or it could be a well-written show.


This is the genius of a bubbly SpongeBob or the comical undertones and simplicity of Homer Simpson.


But today, we won’t be focussing on pizza or shows. Today, we’ll be speaking about your ebooks, and Yes! Perfection.


A perfect ebook is one that:

  • Captivates without losing its relevance
  • Is formal without coming out as bland
  • Educates without being boring
  • Gives your value proposition without being too salesy

Above all, it has to do all this while overall being a pleasure to read and convincing a client to take action.


What You Won’t Be Doing Once You Let Zoey Handle Your Ebooks


Letting us focus on your ebooks (as you focus on everything else) will be one of the best decisions you’ll make in your department this week.


We’ll do the heavy lifting on your behalf and free you and your resources to more productive aspect of your business,


Once our exceptional writers at Zoey are handling your ebooks, you won’t have to:


1. Worry About Hiring Freelancers


A bad freelancer experience is one of those things that can ruin a perfect evening and a few hundred bucks.


 With Zoey, you no longer have to worry about faceless and nameless writers handling the future of your content marketing.


2. Stress About Mediocre Content


If impeccable content is what you want, impeccable content is what you’re going to get. And there’s nowhere better to get this than with our creative team at Zoey. 


We’ve spent years training our writers to offer quality content that will captivate, empower and appeal to your audience. 


3. See Gaps Between Your Content and Values


With our creative team here at Zoey, your ebooks and content, in general, will represent the values of your company.


You will be able to see your tone, values, story, philosophy, and beliefs in every piece of content you present to your audience.


Let Zoey Breathe Life Into Your Ebooks


If there ever was a marketer’s dream, generating leads was probably half of it. If captivating ebooks are your destination, Zoey is your shortest way to get there.


Get in touch with us today, and let us make your ebook issues a thing of the past as we usher you into a new era of lead generation fueled by masterful content.

Service Details

  • Ebook Writing Services

  • Description:

    Starting from $0.13/word. Written by a vetted expert content writer and proofread by savvy editors. 100% money back guarantee. 4-5 days turnaround time.