How to Write an Inspiring About Us Page

As an entrepreneur, you know the importance of having a great website. Not only does it need to look good, but it also needs to be user-friendly and informative. The About Us page is one of the most important pages on your website. This is the page where your visitors can learn more about your company and what you stand for.


Your about page is often the first page people visit after landing on your site, and it's a chance to introduce yourself and your business in a way that inspires confidence and compels visitors to stay longer.


A quality about us page is an important component of your website. It's where you show your potential customers who you are and what you stand for, and it can make or break your conversion rates. If you're not sure how to write one, read on for more insights and check out a few of the best About Us Page Examples.


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Writing an Inspiring About Us Page


An about us page should be a place where you can personify your company and give potential clients a glimpse of who you are. You want to make the reader feel like they are reading about real people, not just a faceless business. Write an informative but captivating introduction that introduces your team, what led you to start the business, and what drives you every day.


Start with a hook. An about us page should start with a hook to draw the reader in and make them want to continue reading. This could be something as simple as your story, how you started your business, or why you are passionate about your product or service. Hooks can be used to keep potential customers interested and wanting more information before they leave your site.


Benefits of an Inspiring About Us Page


Your about us page is the backbone of your website. It can be the difference between visitors scrolling and clicking away, or sticking around for hours. A good about us page will provide detailed information about your company, as well as a sense of what you're all about.


Here are a few benefits of having an inspiring about us page:


  • SEO. Well-written pages are often among the top 10 most visited pages on any website, so adding one to your website can help boost your SEO.
  • Branding. The first thing potential clients will see when they land on your site is an inspiring about us page, so this is a great way to reinforce your brand and make an impression from the start.
  • Inspiring. People love to read about other people and hear their stories. Writing an inspiring about us page will help potential customers form a connection with you and your company.
  • Informative. Information is power, especially when it's in a format that inspires confidence and trust in your product or service. 
  • Valuable information.  Anyone who is thinking about switching services will want to know more about what you have to offer, and anyone searching for a new service can learn why your company is different from the rest.
  • Customer service and retention. Most people believe that people buy from companies they like, trust, and feel comfortable with. The only way customers will feel comfortable with you is if they know and trust you, which will come through in a well-written about us page.


What to Include in a Strong About Us Page


Your about us page should include the company's mission and vision, what problems the company solves, and how you are different from the competition. It should also include information on why customers will want to work with you. This page is one of the very few that visitors will read in detail.


Here are more items that should be included on your about us page:


  • Your company history. 
  • Your team members. 
  • Pictures of your office. 
  • A link to your website's homepage. 
  • Testimonials and samples of your work or customer reviews. 
  • Why your product or service is different and better than the competition. 


Powerful Copywriting Techniques for a Successful About Us Page


Effective copywriting is amazingly simple. However, you have to be specific and precise to capture your audience's attention. The first step is to figure out what story you want to tell. What are some words that describe this story? Next, jot down five or six sentences that illustrate your idea with strong verbs. Then, think about what you want the reader to do at the end of reading your page.


Crafting a Personal Branding Statement


Creating a personal branding statement is one of the most important things you can do. This will help you develop a sense of identity and brand yourself before you launch your product or service, and give your target audience the ability to connect with you.


When writing your personal branding statement, you should use first-person language and be as specific as possible. You should also try to avoid cliches (e.g., "We are a team of dedicated specialists") and instead mention what sets your company apart from the competition.


Examples of About Us pages


Here are a few About Us Page Examples:


  1. Example 1: "We are an award-winning creative agency that specializes in design, marketing strategy, and development." 
  2. Example 2: "We take great pride in our work. We don't cut corners. And we guarantee everything we do."
  3. Example 3: "We're a lean team of designers, marketers, and developers who love what we do. We specialize in crafting effective design and marketing strategies for small companies looking to reach a larger audience."


How to Keep Your Readers Engaged


Your readers are more likely to enjoy your website if they have a clear understanding of what it is you do. Tell them the benefits they'll receive by reading your blog posts and content. Give them some recent information on current events in your industry. Keep them in the loop with any changes or updates you make to your company's structure. The latest trends in photography, for example, could be a good way to keep readers interested when you share how you take photos for your blog posts.


Sourcing Images


If you have a business, you should have an About Us page. This is where you can tell your customers who you are and what you do. You can even include photos of happy customers using your products or of your team members working hard.


Tips for Writing a Strong and Inspiring About Us Page


The about us page is the first page that people see on your website. It is the first impression that you make to the very people who are considering becoming your customers. If it's not strong, then you may lose them and all of the potential customers who come from their social media shares. 


The about us page should have a written introduction, pictures of events, a brief description of what your company does, and links to everything else that they may need or want to know right away.


So how do you make sure your about page packs a punch? Here are five tips:


1. Be Genuine


The best about pages are written in a warm, engaging tone that makes visitors feel like they're right there in the room with you. Try to portray your company as a real, dynamic, and team of like-minded individuals who are excited to help clients solve their problems.


2. Be Specific


This is not the time to be vague! Potential customers will want to know exactly what they're getting if they work with you or purchase your product or service. Instead of talking generically about how great your products are and how many awards you've won, tell them what problems your products solve and how many awards you've won in relation to those.


3. Establish Credibility


One of the most common mistakes that small businesses make is assuming that their potential customers know exactly who they are and what they do. Tell your customers why you are the best choice for them and why your product or service is a good value. Do this by citing awards won, genuine customer testimonials, a well-researched blog post, or even a great video testimonial.


4. Make it Easy to Find What They're Looking for


The last thing you want is for your potential customers to get so turned around that they decide to just leave your website. If you're sure that your about page will be effective, make sure it links to any additional pages on your site that your customers might need such as frequently asked questions, product descriptions, or contact information.


5. Pick a Voice—and Stick to it


At this point, one of the most effective ways to improve your About page is to use a consistent tone. Your company's voice should be reflected throughout your site, including sales copy and social media. Use the About Us page wisely to build trust with potential customers and increase their desire for your products or services.


Bottom Line


An About Us page is a key component for any business, no matter how large or small. It's an opportunity to tell potential customers about the history of your company and how it operates. A strong About Us page can establish trust, credibility, and expertise. It sets the stage for potential customers to connect with you and learn more about your products or services.


To tell a story about the company and provide prospects with an understanding of what you are all about, it should become clear who your customers are and how you can help them. Keep the information concise, but don't be afraid of including a few paragraphs to adequately describe your unique qualities.



Photo by Linda Eller-Shein on Pexels: Thanks Linda