Why Should You Hire Whitepaper Writing Services For Your Whitepaper Needs?

An excellent whitepaper can be the difference between killin' it and flopping your content marketing strategies.


After a hot brainstorming session, you finally come up with a fantastic idea for a whitepaper. 


You realize you've got no clue where to start and find yourself staring at the blank screen.


Worry not! You aren't alone. Plenty of marketers struggles with whitepapers because they don't know where to start or lack time to do it themselves.


Your best option?


Hiring professional whitepaper writers for the quality content creation you need.


If you are doubtful about this option, these ten reasons might convince you otherwise.


1. Copywriters 'Get' Your Audience


A white paper writer's objective is to develop market content that will play a crucial role in lead generation, nurturing, conversion, and generating contact lists.


Most importantly,  a white paper writer understands what your readers need.


By understanding the topic and challenge, the writer can develop the type of content your readers can relate to, understand, and provide value.


The right piece of content is vital in solving a problem the reader has. You can't get such results if you fail to hire the right whitepaper writing services.


2. Whitepapers Require Subject-Matter Expertise


White Papers focus on specific topics that present challenges.


It's your job to expound on the topic and develop a solution with a voice of authority that will convert your leads across the sales funnel. 


To best develop a valuable solution, it's vital to conduct thorough research on the topic and provide a detailed market copy that your audience can understand.


nobody does it best like subject matter experts who get some research going, and develop a market copy that the readers will find invaluable.


3. Fluff and Jargon Be Gone


While there aren't any minimum must-haves for a whitepaper, the ultimate whitepaper has a unique appearance.


The whitepaper's style and tone should be professional, serious, well-crafted, and edited.


An expert writer will eliminate all fluff that inflates the document with valueless info.


Sure, the document has a professional and serious tone, and it's dense, making it challenging to skim. However, it's best to use language that every reader will easily understand and relate for maximum effects and reach.


4. Save More Benjamins


In most cases, the staff with the necessary skills to develop whitepapers include a project manager, sales executive, senior software developers, and technical writers. This staff receives salaries with full packages including taxes, insurance, vacation, training, and other costs.


Can you then hire one of these staff to write your whitepaper and pay them on top of their standard compensation packages?


If you aren't convinced, consider that hiring an in-house writer is approximately 24 days. The overall cost amounts to 213% of the annual writer's salary!


Most white paper writers are paid an hourly rate allowing you won't spend such hiring resources, allowing you to save more and invest in other vital projects.


5. You Have More Time to Spare and Spend


Between your usual duties and developing a whitepaper, you won't have any time to spare or spend on other things that matter.


Writing a market-worthy whitepaper requires absolute focus and time.


Whitepaper writing services have both.


By allocating the whitepaper to a copywriter, you will have more time to spare.


You can run essential errands, enjoy a drink or brunch with friends, take a vacation, go on a road trip, or relax at home. Best of all, you will enjoy a professional content writing experience like no other. 


6. Save Your In-House Team the Hassle


The average whitepaper takes a few days to a few weeks to complete. Add a few more days to refine and produce a market-worthy copy.


A freelance writer will take less and still create compelling, high-quality content.


With all work required in developing valuable content, you can't afford to burden your in-house team with additional responsibilities.


Why don't you let your in-house team handle their usual duties? Besides, overburdening your staff with additional work might lead to fatigue, which might cost you more.


Instead, go for white paper writing services that’ll focus on your project to deliver the best market copy that will promote your brand's stand and transform your marketing campaign.


7. Whitepapers Are Sensitive


A whitepaper's role is to relay vital information on tackling a specific issue your reader has.


To ensure the white paper content is relevant, it must stay within the topic.


A copywriter with specialist skills will research and create content based on that topic. They will not waiver, lest they risk turning the whitepaper valueless, or worse, lag behind in search engine results.


8. Copywriters Are Grammar and Language Gurus


White paper writers possess a wide range of skills, including grammar and language usage.


Whitepapers demand a certain grammar level, formal language, and punctuation to relay the message therein effectively.


You need a writer able to avoid common grammatical errors and discern differences in grammar usage, such as avoiding the use of dangling modifiers, irregular verbs, "it's" vs. "its," using "they're,” "there," and "their" correctly,

and avoid ending a sentence with a preposition, to name a few.


Additionally, your potential customers dislike reading long, tedious, and complex sentences.  


A copywriter will trim such sentences to scale.


The results: clear, concise, and straightforward sentences containing the vital info you intend to convey.


9. Objectivity


Among the numerous industries, a whitepaper places your brand as the ultimate and trusted industry leader that solves a specific issue. It could be you sell particular goods and services, or possess the industry expertise your audience needs.


You can't achieve this objective by appealing to your readers' emotions. Instead, you should approach the problem with research-backed facts and logic.


While you are biased and invested in your brand emotionally, a copywriter isn't. This makes them more objective and logical to solve the readers' challenges.


The result: trustworthy market copy your target audience needs.


10. Work Fast to Meet Deadlines


Whitepaper writing services will exclusively focus on your project. 


Coupled with other skills, they will work faster to ensure your whitepaper is ready within the shortest time possible, making it possible for your market copy to reach your audience sooner.


The sooner it hits the market, the sooner you start realizing leads and conversions.


11. More Information, Less Salesy


A whitepaper takes your topic ideas/challenges, breaks them down, and provides a valuable solution.


In short, it contains vital information that your audience can deploy to solve a particular challenge.


A whitepaper is not a sales pitch, and the right whitepaper writing services lean on this fact.


Sure, you have certain business goals, but you need to draw the line between providing information and selling your deliverables. The suitable writer will differentiate between the two to develop content that provides valuable info rather than developing a sales pitch.


12. The Whitepaper Writing Services You Need


When written properly, this marketing tool can be the most effective generation tool in your marketing arsenal. Hiring a content marketing strategist to develop unique, informative, and quality content to wow your prospective customers is a worthwhile investment.


For the ultimate white paper services, you need the ultimate content marketing agency. If you are ready to see how knowledgeable content writers can turn your idea into a whitepaper, contact Zoey Writers today. 


Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels: Thanks Lisa : )