Brand Consistency: Why is it Important and How It Can Resolve your Brand Identity Crisis?

I don't know if it's the same for everyone, but I’ve come across at least one TV show or movie, whereby the first season/part is perfect; the second one is generally still good but has one or two changes; but the third one, though—new plots, twists, characters, drama, etc., and that's it. I can't bring myself to go on after so many changes have made it a shell of what it used to be. 


The same goes for your brand.


After building brand awareness, you should stick to your original branding lest you lose the original loyal customers and reduce the chances of attracting more. 


If your brand has evolved over time and sort of lost its identity along the way, it’s time to sharpen your focus on your brand’s core identity.


This guide will help you understand what consistent branding is and why it is crucial for business owners who strive to grow their personal brands.


What is Brand Consistency?


Simply put, brand consistency is doing things the same way you have been doing. You use the same message, brand voice, visual elements, and other design elements to interact with your audience. These interactions should align with your brand's core values.


If you’ve established an online presence for your successful business, it is imperative that you maintain a consistent brand.


Benefits of Maintaining Brand Consistency


If potential customers notice inconsistent branding in your marketing communications, your business is likely to miss out on a lot. Luckily, it’s never too late for your sales teams to incorporate practices in their marketing efforts to ensure consistency. 


1. Your Brand will be Easily Recognizable


You'll never catch me actively listening to what cartoons and songs my toddler watches. But I can tell you most, if not all, of the characters. I can also sing all theme songs simply because she's constantly playing them repeatedly, and the tune is the same.




Facebook, Meme, and Shark: Every parent can hear this image Baby shark,Baby Shark Meme Facebook


In the same way, if your brand is consistent every time you address your audience, they won't have to struggle to remember you. You'll randomly pop up in their mind like that dang baby shark song. 


And if they need something you sell, they will consider you first because 71% of consumers are more likely to buy a product or service from a brand they recognize.


There's even an old marketing rule, the "rule of seven", built around the same idea. According to it, people need to hear, see, or read something at least seven times before recalling it. But it has to be the same thing each time.

You should be struggling to be recognizable and memorable because of the several marketing channels and platforms available today. Your audience needs to recognize you every time they see you, no matter where they do.


The more consistent you are, the more visible you are: 3.5 times more visible. This is especially important because they are likely to come across your brand for a fraction of a second as they scroll.


2. It Differentiates Your Business


Imagine if you went through all the trouble of landing the right advertisement to the right customer at the last stage of the buying process, your logo and messages on full display: only to have them mistake you for your rival and buy the product from them, or searching for it from a "reputable brand" because they don't know who you are.


In a world with tens, hundreds, or even thousands of businesses dealing in the same products or services as you, you wouldn't want your customers to mistake your business for another or get things mixed up.





Assuming you have a USP (if you don't, then you are in the me-too type of business, which you shouldn't), you need a way for your customers to recognize you so they can buy from you. And by communicating using the same voice and consistent brand colors, your loyal following can spot you from a sea of competitors with similar products.


Have you ever opened a web page without even looking at the address, and you find yourself spending lots of time on the page and even checking out other pieces of content? For me, that's Forbes, Bigthink, Medium, and WebMD, among others.


It started with them sharing valuable content on a regular basis, which led to me associating their fonts, style, tone, and voice with good content. Now, every time I come across their different types of content, even without knowing it's one of them, something subconsciously clicks, and I spend lots of time reading their content.


The same goes for your brand. The more consistent your marketing team is, the more your brand stands out, and your audience trusts you, which brings us to the next point.


3. It Builds Trust and Loyalty


If internal customers feel like your brand is constantly changing, they may get confused and assume they can't trust your business. They will think that your values or quality could vary as much as you. Even if they don't do it consciously, it'll happen subconsciously. 



praise the lord cat - Why do things keep changing?!



Come to think of it: Why do you go to the same barber shop or hair salon? Why do you prefer a particular brand of pens? Simple: predictability. 


According to a comprehensive study by Lucidpress, potential customers perceive consistent brand messaging and product images as indicative of high quality.


We tend to stick to personal brands because they are predictable. Even if they don't necessarily offer the best service, there is comfort in knowing what to expect.


When you remain consistent, people know what to expect from your brand, so they can trust you. Like in the above example about websites, I know what to expect from them, so I trust them, and due to consistency, they never fail. 


A seamless look for your brand across all social media channels, website, packaging, and store will make them feel more comfortable with your brand. If they have a good customer experience, they can become loyal because they trust you can maintain the same quality.


4. It Increases in Revenues


The Lucidpress study linked above concluded that brand consistency can increase your revenues by a whopping 33%. So, the more consistent you are, the more your profits.




Profits GIF - Money Cash Rich GIFs



Let Professional Copywriters Help you Create Brand-consistent Web Content 


Brand consistency plays a significant role in how you appear next to your competitors. If you are consistent, you'll be easily recognizable and stand out from the crowd, which means more sales. 


If you aren't, you will blend in with the people at the back, with nobody entirely sure where you end, and your competitors begin.


That is why you should take charge of your branding and ensure it is consistent across all social media profiles and everywhere else your business has an online presence. But it's hard to remain brand consistent, especially when creating every piece of content. You have to maintain consistency while keeping your online content relevant and exciting.


If you're having a hard time following crucial branding guidelines when creating your web content, Zoey Writers can help you. We are a content marketing agency that excels in content creation. Our team of professional content creators implements tested and proven content strategies to ensure that our esteemed clients are successful in maintaining a consistent brand identity.


Once you hire our article writing or blog post writing services, we can create powerful online content that speaks the way you do for consistency. In other words, we will help you put the right content in front of the right audience. 


Contact us today to discuss your content needs and we’ll be happy to create brand-consistent content that resonates with your target audience.


Photo by farhad chaudhary on Unsplash