Why Create a Brand Voice That Packs a Punch?

A brand that shares its customers' values and "gets them" can easily turn 89% of them into loyal, long-term clients.


That's right.


Now, mention the word "brand," and most business owners think it's all about those corporate colors, fonts, and styles. Sure, these potent elements are some of the entire jigsaw's pieces.


But here’s the thing: A brand is more than just visuals. It also involves a brand voice.


That term doesn't ring a bell in your mind? But you must have encountered brands using it. The teen clothing shop in your hood injects common slang into its language to appeal to the younger generations. And that surf gear store across the street assumes a surfer's attitude and language.


Your business can get away without a unique voice. That's true. But what if we told you that a unique brand voice can skyrocket you higher to achieve business goals faster? And as digital marketing continues to reign the scene, the benefits of a distinct voice cannot be stressed enough.


What Is a Brand Voice?


A brand voice is your brand's unique personality when communicating with its customers and other stakeholders.


Suppose you're at a lively dinner party chatting with everyone present. Then one guy makes a lasting impression because of their distinct, effortless storytelling abilities. You cannot shake them off your mind. In fact, when you're re-narrating that juicy story, their image suddenly flashes across your mind.


Now, extrapolate the alluring guy into your brand voice. Suppose the brand voice was a human being. What would be their characteristics? What styles and vocabulary will they use consistently?


These personality traits should pop up wherever your brand talks- on social networks, websites, emails, adverts, internal memos, newspapers, and more.


A brand voice isn't just a nice-to-have thing for internal purposes.


It's a powerful tool that breathes life into your content. It lets your content speak to your clients, partners, and other stakeholders.


If you know your brand voice and its guiding principles, producing on-brand and effective copy quickly becomes quick. Also, purposefully controlling the impact of each content piece becomes a breeze. The result? Your brand's identity will have a wealthier substance that eyeballs are eager to read.


The Benefits Of a Strong and Consistent Brand Voice That Reverberates


A clear and unique voice matters a lot in your marketing arsenal. It's a lethal weapon that helps you to:


1.  Slice Through the Clutter


Uniqueness is what can put your business miles ahead of the competition.


The magic is in your brand voice.


I bet if you were looking for your best buddy in a crowd, their voice above the noise would lead you to them. You won’t fall for quacks, imitators, competitors, or cons.  


A brand voice brings out your personality and attaches it to your brand, helping your business to cut through the clutter and stand above the noise.


But if you speak like other brands, you're saying, "Pick me, please, even though I'm just like that guy who angered you the other day."





At a party, would you echo back exactly what another person next to you is saying? Would girls fall for you if you mimicked that cool guy from soap opera films?


Of course, the answer is a reverberating no.


The world of business and dating scenes speaks similar languages: Uniqueness and emotional connection.


2. Cement Relationships


Selling to potential customers right off the bat? They'll hate your brand for that.


Instead, you have to create a human-level and long-lasting connection with them.


Strong and distinct brand voices target ideal clients- not just anyone on the planet. You develop it around those people you desire to help and partner with. That way, they'll see your eagerness to assist them to solve their pain points.


Consider your brand voice as part of you or as a person. Think about the language, tones, and mannerisms you bring out when speaking to your friend. Now, inject these elements into your marketing and content.


Whenever people read your blog posts, company announcements, newsletters, and other pieces of content, they'll "hear" your voice. Make it clear, unique, and trustworthy, and they'll quickly recognize you.


3. Portrays Your Social Acuity


People are social beings. Well, we all know that.


Yet, businesses are still missing this mark, creating an awful stink all over the internet.


On the other hand, crafting an appropriate voice shows that you're sensitive to your customers’ pain points, views, and ambitions. You also appear authentic and relevant.  


Here's the fine line to tread: Identify your starting point and flex the voice authentically to address current issues (some of which have earned the tag "controversial").


But how can you hack this trick? Establish brand voice guidelines to articulate your stand on these issues. The result is consistency in your brand identity and tone.


4. A Robust Voice Will Be Shared


Overlooking your content's tone of voice will dilute your efforts and reduce your reach. Let your brand voice take center stage in your content, and your clan of readers will listen to it.


And you know what? Some of your die-hard fans and loyal customers will add their voices on top of your brand voice- through sharing, retweeting, and referrals.


The result is a booming, uniform, and strong brand voice that brings more positive results.


A relevant and sincere voice is crucial in cementing authenticity and consistency across your channels. You won't risk losing your voice among the noise of competing content.


5. Be Sheriff in Social Media Channels


The age of social media is here to stay. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, and other behemoths give you a highway to your brand's success.


But the days of going viral with the image of a cute cat are long gone.


You want to stand out from the loud noise on these platforms. Right? The trick is to have a unique and trustworthy brand voice. And thanks to the interconnectedness in major platforms, the unique voice can propel you beyond just one site.


We get it- It's tempting to mimic the top brand's voice and jump on any current trend on Twitter and other platforms. Who doesn't want fame and a ton of followers?


But people are too wise to be fooled. They can eventually read inauthenticity in the content and avoid you.



While your social media posts can be playful and casual on some platforms like Twitter, never forget your unique voice. That's the only way you'll turn eyeballs into die-hard fans and streams of actual customers plus referrals.


6. Empower Your Ads


"Pay to play" is how social media and search engines generate revenue. After all, they're doing business too.


While your brand can grow organically, the wait can be nerve-racking. Spicing up your marketing efforts with paid ads brings results faster.


But other brands also pay to play. This competition is what skyrockets ad costs. So without a smart ads strategy, money will go out of your pockets faster than it comes back.


And a smart strategy goes beyond laser-targeting your audience- It includes a unique brand voice.


Let's face one fact: Users trust organic content more than ads. But the good news for ads marketers? A consistent and unique brand voice helps you make up for this issue. It tells them you're who you claim to be.


7. Boost Consistency Across Marketing Channels


Your business is growing and establishing a presence on multiple platforms plus locations.


A pat on your back from us!


But identity distortion is bound to happen as local elements and different platforms' unique factors come into play. A prolonged lack of coordination leads to an inherently clumsy brand.


Get this: 71% of people unfollow a brand that embarrasses them on social media.


And the worst part? Your ex-followers' negative word of mouth will cut off the stream of referrals and prospective customers.


What should you do then?


Have a consistent voice-All your platforms' profiles should speak to each other in unison before speaking to your audience. This trick is key to a memorable and trustworthy brand that generates more revenue.


8. Cements First Impression Lures Customers


You only get one.


This age-old saying will always be true as long as humans and brands roam the planet.


A person's voice forms a huge chunk of their personality. In fact, your voice's tone determines 38% of your first impression. Other factors include your clothing, gestures, and non-verbal cues.


And just like human beings, most of your brand's personality dwells in its voice. 


Remember, people online aren't patient. Fail to lure and keep them glued within the first few seconds, and most will move on in a huff.


Speak with a brand voice that hooks clients, and your brand identity will sink into their ears and minds within those precious seconds. 


Don't lose that game.





Get a Magical Brand Voice That Converts Eyeballs Into Tons of Leads and Paying Clients


You now know why your brand should have a distinct personality and voice. But creating and maintaining one can be another 24/7 career.


How about letting Zoey writers do the hard work for you?


Zoey content creators and writers don't just rumble away blocks of paragraphs and words. We inject your very own voice into every piece that passes through our hands. Here are some of the steps to ensure we tailor content that packs a punch:



We want your brand to have a commanding voice that reverberates throughout the internet. Let's hop into a call now.


Photo by Allec Gomes on Unsplash