The Ultimate Guide on How to Write Technical Blogs

There you are.


Brainstorming and hair-pulling with the help of a few cans of energy drink.







Bam! The perfect blog idea.


As a tech guru, a technical blog post is a fantastic way to drive more traffic, boost online presence, and position yourself as the go-to brand for technical solutions in the current fast-paced tech world. You might even attract B2B traffic.


Hold the phone. How do you go about it?


You might be an expert, but creating content, more so as a first-timer, can be wamboozling.


No worries. Grab a cup of coffee, and learn how to create a technical blog.


Looking for some inspo? You can check out these 6 of the Best Techincal Writing Examples.


What Is a Technical Blog?


A technical blog post is a blog that focuses on matters of technology.







You can write anything tech-related, from AI, smart devices, computers, video games, smart gadgets, Internet of Things, to the future weird-looking spy tech.


Here's a clear guide that answers everything you need to know about technical writing. 


Relevant reading:


Characteristics of technical writing


Little-Known Secrets on How Technical Writing Affects Your Bottomline


Time to Create That Technical Blog


Let’s get down to business, shall we?


1. Niche Down


You cannot be a jack of all trades and a master of none.


Before putting your ideas onto paper, you must decide on a specific topic and focus on it.


Tech is extensive.


You can’t cover everything.


Narrow down the relevant stuff you feel could be helpful to your target audience. Take this approach in developing all your technical content.


To help you decide faster, focus on your passion, experience, expertise, and interests.


Think of a time you had a challenge and moved mountains to find a solution. Folks are looking for that same solution. Write on that.


Whether hardware repair and maintenance, mobile apps, or software development, a blogging niche helps you commit, improve, and grow.


2. Master Your Title


Eighty percent of readers will read your title, only 20% will click through.


A captivating title will sell your tech blog, boost search engine rankings and reader engagement on multiple platforms.


That’s why you should craft attention-grabbing and catchy headlines and titles for all your blogs.


Some title blog post best practices to consider:


Begin with a rough draft


Make it super-specific by using numbers, lists, or ‘How to’


Make it unique, urgent, and useful


Aim for 6-10 words to boost CTR rate by 21%


Use power words and adjectives to make it more interesting


Deploy the headline formula; identify the challenge, provide a great solution, and a promise to utilize the solution to enjoy benefits.


CoSchedule Headline analyzer is among the few to help you craft such titles.


3. Define Your Audience


Who is your ideal reader? 


By identifying your ideal audience, you will create content that specifically resonates with them.


For instance, if your target audience is millennials, you only develop content such as accessing a secret video games level, or top tricks to bypass a certain game level.


The best way to define your audience is to research reader intent.


4. Research and Analysis


Any undertaking worth investing and sharing needs groundwork before commencing.


Begin by researching the keywords associated with your topic.


Analyze those with the highest search intent and SERP rankings. Developing keyword-based content guarantees most folks searching will discover your content.


Also, research your competitor blogs.


What have they covered in their content?


Sure, repetition is the mother of learning (Zig Ziglar). But there’s no value in regurgitating what’s already online.


Lastly, find out your potential audience’s search intent. Are they looking for guides, lists, current trends, recommendations, or reviews?


Create content that they are looking for, and then some.


6. Content Is King, but Format Is Queen


Now comes the star of the show.


The format matters.


Your post should have a captivating title, attention-grabbing introduction, informative body, and summarizing conclusion with a clear and actionable CTA.


Most importantly, your content ideas should flow and have a smooth transition between ideas.


Don’t write a block. Break it down by using headers, subheaders, and bullet points for when the readers need to skim through the blog content.





What are you writing about?


The content you are developing should be clear, concise, and straightforward.


No reader should go through your content with a dictionary in hand. To help you craft understandable and relatable content, imagine you are addressing a high-schooler!


So, break down complex topics, avoid jargon and fluff for all to understand.


Ensure the blog post has an overall intelligent and attractive design that’ll boost the reader’s engagement and maneuverability, regardless of the device they are using.


Lastly, go through every crook and cranny to weed out the spelling and grammatical errors.


7. Optimize for SEO and Mobile


More than 7 million blog posts are published daily.


So, you can imagine the competition you have to beat for your tech blog post to get top SERP rankings and make it visible to your potential audience.


Therefore, for search engine optimization, be sure to use the right keywords, make it high-quality, unique, fantastic design, and proper wordage.


Additionally, more than 50% of web traffic comes from mobile devices.


Don’t forget to optimize your blog content to cater to mobile device readers. So, tweak your design with the right amount of color, texture, and imagery.


10. A Touch of Visuals


Ninety percent of bloggers use visuals in their posts.


With 80% of the info the human brain ingests being visual, you can’t overlook the importance of images, infographics, videos, GIFs, memes, among others, in your blog post.


Visuals grab the reader’s attention, evoke a host of emotions, and convey a more precise message where words don’t do justice.


Furthermore, more than 40% of your readers will respond better to visuals. Still, visuals boost engagement by a whopping 180%, 42% higher CTR, and 94% more views!


11. Link Up


At times, you might compress a specific topic to make it fit.


A reader might not get the whole picture. Inserting a link in that specific content leading to another comprehensive resource helps the reader gain better insights and adds value to the content.


Additionally, links drive more traffic to and from your site and work wonders for Omnichannel marketing.


Ensure you add links to additional resources, social media platforms, e-commerce sites, affiliate marketing sites, and other blogs.


Nonetheless, avoid oversaturating your post with links, lest you send your readers down a rabbit hole!


12.  Hire a Writer


At times, you might not feel up to the task of putting your blog ideas into words.


No worries, that’s more common than you think.


You might even procrastinate to gathering enough wisdom and courage to create content.


That’s okay; even the Dalai Lama is an ardent procrastinator.


But why keep your audience waiting for content when there’s a solution you can grab anytime?


Hiring a writer with the specialized skills, experience, and industry insights is a huge step towards creating killer content. Furthermore, a writer will save you time, resources, relate to your audience’s needs, and it’s just what the doctor ordered.


These guys will break down a technical topic into digestible chunks resulting in a great-performing blog post.


Spend more time developing tech blogging ideas leave high-quality content creation to the writer.


Do you Need Help with Your Tech blog?







Considering the importance of a blog post to your brand, you can’t afford to mess up.


With these writing tips, you’ll be on your way to creating captivating and high-quality content that resonates with the industry and your audience.


Who knows, you might provide amazing content that enables you to monetize your site!


If you need a great technical writer to design content that’ll blow your audience’s socks off, think Zoey technical writing services. Our pro writers are ready to create content you don’t know you need yet. Get in touch with us today. 


Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash: Thanks Scott : )