10 Mind-blowing FAQ Examples Sure To Revolutionize Your Site

What do customers want?


Is it killer discounts, a seamless user experience, or an all-expenses trip to mesmerizing Florence?


While exploring Rome is a dream come true for many, 95% of your customers want exceptional customer service in exchange for choosing your brand and loyalty.   


Unfortunately, almost 70% of customer service reps are running on empty and drinking from the firehose. No customer wants to call your business seeking further info or help about a service product features.


That's where the FAQ section comes in; to provide solutions to your customers for common questions in the absence of the customer service team.







So, let's take a stroll around some fantastic FAQ examples for some top brands.


Why These FAQs Are on Our List – Why You Should Emulate Them


In a minute, you'll get to go over the industry's finest FAQs. However, before then, we thought you should know why these FAQ examples made it to the top of our list.




  • Are all about the customers; concise, straightforward, free of fluff, jargon, and with a pinch of personality. They address common concerns for a much-needed seamless experience. 
  • Searchable – especially when the FAQ section is extensive with bucket loads of information. It's easier for the customer to use the search feature via a search bar than scroll through.
  • Provide valuable solutions in your absence or when the customer service rep is tapped out.
  • Curious customers don't need google maps as they are easy to spot and navigate. These brands keep the FAQ page visible. 
  • Incorporate various media, from images, memes, videos, infographics, and charts, to name a few, to boost the FAQ's value and more fun. 
  • Offer a chance for customer feedback and have a' satisfaction-o-meter' that gauges overall customer experience. 
  • Offer a chance for further contact if the customer concerns persist
  • While they aren't salesy, they are agents of leads and conversions
  • Are in actual question and answer format making them sound human


Should You Have a FAQ Section on Your Site?


The short answer; heck yeah!


And here's your cheatsheet on how to write an FAQ page like a pro.


Some brands with an online presence ignore FAQs like the plague.


But not you. You can't afford to ignore an FAQ section on your site because:


  • You are offering the best overall customer service experience
  • Place your brand on a pedestal of greatness as the industry leader. Prospective customers will find any simple answer helpful since your FAQ section is an answer bank.
  • Turbo boost sales, loyalty, and recommendations
  • Reduce the burden on customer support staff. Better still, relieve your entire support team to rest. irresistible
  • Boost SEO, organic search, internal linking, site navigation, and customer support app integration 
  • Reduced expenses on customer support strategies and equipment
  • Fantastic source and location for some excellent piece of content
  • Let's your customer base know you understand their needs better than most by addressing their frequent and new issues
  • Boost website traffic, lure in potential customers and conversions by answering common questions customers ask
  • It gives your prospective customers some much-needed confidence throughout their customer journey


Behold, the Best FAQ Examples across the Board


1. Chewy


When it comes to taking of your furry buddies, it doesn't get any better than Chewy.


Purchasing stuff from the brand's online store is a breeze, but so is locating its FAQ section. Chewy realizes only 20% of their customers read below the fold. They don't have time to scroll to the bottom of the page looking for stuff.


Furthermore, with a human's attention span ever reducing to the current eight seconds – lower than a goldfish with 9 seconds – Chewy has placed its FAQs section above the fold.


In addition to addressing customer issues, this boosts navigational simplicity and accessibility.


The cherry on top. If a customer isn't satisfied with the answers on the FAQs, they can follow a customer support link for further inquiries 24/7.


Talk about the purr-fect FAQs!







2. Shell Oil


If you are looking for an FAQ section that incorporates multiple media and blows the customers off their boots, Shell Oil FAQ is that section. 


From the explicit images, attention-grabbing icons that categorize all popular questions and quick answers accordingly.


When customers are worried about their fuel or vehicle care, they rush to the site. They can search for answers via the search feature or scroll through the other list of questions.


What makes this site stand out from the rest is the room for customer feedback on their experience.


The cherry on top, if the customer isn't s satisfied, Shell encourages further contact by providing a customer support link.







3. Adore Me


Adore Me FAQs look as fabulous as their products.


From the tantalizing images in the background to the hypnotizing color, you can't fail to appreciate the efforts Adore Me has put into designing their FAQ section.


The most prominent features of this section are the icons for questions. They're stimulating and echo the brand's voice. Clicking on the icons opens pages of hidden treasures within. Better still, scrolls down, and the customer gets many other questions. Each question category opens to detailed and relevant questions and answers.


Overall, the balance between the images, color, text, and icons is impressive and welcoming.







4. Walt Disney World


Well, if your customers don't qualify for the trip to Rome, they can enjoy a great visit to Walt Disney World.


The blue color theme adds a magical touch to the site. The easy-to-find FAQ page makes navigating through the site a walk in the park. The trip begins with the fairy Godmother ready to return results based on whatever search phrase the customer enters on the search bar.


A few slides down lies the Walt Disney FAQs. If the customer is in a clicking and scrolling mood, they can check any clearly labeled clickable blocks that open into individual pages filled with helpful info.







5. Alison Lou


Are you looking for a jewel for that special someone or occasion? Or maybe you want to look good with some bling on.


Well, this isn't the time for shopping!


Even the big dogs in the industry started as wee puppies.


Sure, these prominent businesses have vast resources to create FAQs out of this world. But once in a while, Chihuahua scares a great Dane.


Alison Lou is a small business that has proven size doesn't matter when crafting an effective FAQ section. They have arranged the FAQs neatly, easily spot, and concisely for any customer to understand.


A single click is all that stands between the customer and getting the help they need.







6. Bank of Maharashtra


It's time to talk about some Ben Franklins.


Say you want to invest overseas and looking for a bank. You head to the bank of Maharashtra only to be flabbergasted by the site.


It's unbelievable that the bank's customers have never been lost inside the website! Guess that only happens to LeBron James in Space Jam: A New Legacy.


While the site is over congested with information, the FAQ section is entirely opposite. The questions are direct with detailed answers—no stories or detours, straight to the point.


If you have such an over-congested site, you might dismantle and recreate it from the ground up. However, you can incorporate such FAQs to offer reliable solutions before then.  







7. WhatsApp


Here is where the Scandis meet a website.


The Scandis are famous for their minimalist designs and stuff. WhatsApp has adopted a similar tradition and strategy to their frequently asked questions.


Very few brands dealing with software and apps offer assistance based on the customers' platforms.


WhatsApp does precisely that! From placing the common customer questions on the navigation bar to grouping the FAQs into broad categories with hyperlinked headers. The customer can search common questions via the search feature or click the headings to view the questions therein.


And let's not forget the calming, green color scheme that welcomes the customer.







8. Google


C'mon, you saw this coming!


Google is the largest search engine with more than 92% market share. You'd think a customer can search all the answers organically, right?


Well, not all of them.


Sure, the FAQ section design isn't one to fancy or envy. But, killer design aside, the Google FAQ section contains about five questions. That might seem a few among all search engines.


However, these questions are deep at elaborating current trends and worries that face every customer while browsing. Not every customer is confident or informed about their information roaming free online. Google summarizes various vital details, especially data security and privacy.







9. MOZ


MOZ takes their common questions to an entirely new level of greatness. Instead of the traditional FAQs, MOZ has created an F&Q Forum.


An active forum is going on on the left-hand side of the page. Customers can post their questions for the MOZ community to pitch in and help. While customers require a premium subscription for instant access, you have to give it to MOZ. That's pretty darn good.


On the other side of the page is where you get all the other FAQs.


The customer can enter a search query for faster results. If unsatisfied with the answer, the filtering criteria from the drop-down menus narrow down their searches for better results.







10. DaysOutGuide


A combo of traveling and tags has never looked this cool and outstanding on a website.


The National Rail FAQ makes use of tags that make it easy for the customers and other travelers to locate solutions faster and more conveniently. All a traveler needs is a single click, regardless of the device the customer is using and voila!


Even the customers get bored at clicking on multiple links.


The bright colors on the header are enough to draw the travelers in for further reading. In addition, the inclusion of other images and interactive attributes make the trip to this section of the site worthwhile.  






We'll Create Informative FAQs for Your Site


These FAQ examples address common issues that bug customers on these sites. Once a customer goes through them, there's no need to call unless enquiring about that all-expenses-paid trip to Rome.


The majority of brands that care about high-quality customer service have FAQs. Why shouldn't you?


Take this to the bank; don't overlook a useful FAQ.


However, designing them should be neither your worry nor your job. That's where Zoey Writers come in. Our content creators know more about FAQs and what your customers want to know.


If you are ready to upscale your site using practical FAQs, don't hesitate to contact us today.





Photo by Pixabay: Thanks : )