Where to Find Excellent eBook Ghostwriters For You Next Project

With a myriad of freelance writing opportunities available online, anyone can claim to be a “ghostwriter”. It only takes an online ghostwriting profile with titles like “professional ghostwriters” or “experienced ghostwriter” for one to attract clients. This has made what used to be a simple process of finding a genuine eBook ghostwriter frustratingly long and tiresome.


Now, for an eBook project, you not only have to find an eBook ghost writer. You also have to separate phonies from actual experts. Delays in submissions, difficulties in publishing, seeking the right ebook software, plagiarism, and copyright issues are just some of the things you will experience if you make a poor choice.


So, to help you come up with quality eBooks, this business ghostwriting guide takes you through five ways you can use to find prospective ghostwriters. But first, spare a few minutes and look at our guide on how to create a marketing ebook.


1. Use Reputable eBook Ghostwriting Service Providers


Let’s play a little game. I will ask you two questions, and you are supposed to give the first answer that comes to mind. I will then try to guess your answers. Here we go:


  • Name an electric vehicle company.
  • Name an online retailer.


I’d say your answers were most likely Tesla and Amazon. 






Even if I haven't gotten both of them right, I at least have one. Why did those two come to mind and not Volkswagen and Target, or the many other answers that would have been just as right? One word: reputation.


So, the first step to take when you decide to use an experienced writer to write your eBook is to play the game by yourself. Ask yourself: “name a well-known and reputable ghostwriter”. The first answer that comes to mind is what you should go for.


There is a reason they have such a strong brand name. Either they were pioneers in the field, their service is impeccable, or they handled a famous project, or something of the sort. Just by hiring them, there is a certain level of quality you can expect. 


The reason isn't always positive though. They could have been brought to the lime-light due to a scandal so you should look into their history first.


However, it might be hard to find ghostwriters by relying on reputable brands because we are talking about people with literally the word “ghost” in their name. Chances are, ghostwriters with the best-quality work are not well-known to the public. So, if nothing comes to mind, you can find eBook ghostwriters using the other options below.


2. Use Word of Mouth


If you can't think of a reputable ghostwriter, you can find them by relying on word of mouth.







If you are an individual, ask your friends, relatives, and acquaintances if they have ever worked with a ghostwriter for an eBook. There is no chance of them directing you to a low-quality book ghostwriter. If you are a business, ask your competitors or related businesses if they have ever done so.


It is likely that they won't admit that they didn’t do it themselves, especially if the eBook is of a high quality. You have to find a way to phrase your words subtly to disarm them and convince them you aren't there to judge or discredit them. The best part is, if they do reveal their sources, you will have samples to gauge the expertise of the ghostwriter to see if it is what you are looking for.


This option, as we have mentioned, has a low chance of success because most people like to take credit for good work.


3. Post Advertisements


There are a lot of eBook ghostwriters out there, from individuals to teams, looking for projects. So, if you can't find one directly, let them find you by investing in advertisements. It is quite simple and effective. This is the only option in this list that requires you to make an investment into finding them.







Your investment comes in form of the fees you pay to job platforms. But you can use social media as it’s free. By creating advertisements and posting them on various platforms, you increase the chances of a good ghostwriter seeing your ad. Even if I haven't looked yet, I am certain there are communities of ghostwriters on social media.


The best part about sourcing your eBook ghostwriter through advertisements is the number of options it presents to you. Once an eBook ghostwriter sees your ad, they will send you their applications which, depending on the stipulations of your advert, come with resumes, samples, past experiences, and other relevant details.


This allows you to really gauge their expertise and pick the best one for your project. On the downside, an ad campaign that works too well will have hundreds, if not thousands, of applications on your desk. Unless you have a way to filter out some of them without having to go over them one by one, it could take you days to select. But what's a couple of days of effort compared to the benefits of an expertly-written eBook?


4. Use LinkedIn and Other Professional Networks


One of the best things to come out of the internet is platforms, such as LinkedIn. It’s the world's largest professional network so you can find every type of profession, including ghostwriters.


By simply searching for “eBook ghostwriter”, you will get a list of all the ghostwriters relevant to you. You can then read through each of the profiles in the results. A well-written profile is just like an application letter. It contains all their work experience and other relevant details. 


Through these details, you will be able to select the one that matches your eBook needs.


5. Use Search Engines


If all else hasn’t shown you to a great eBook ghostwriter, you can find one through search engines. You only need to open Google or your search engine of choice and key in your query then you will get instant results.


The best part about using Google is how it is easy to filter. If you want a local, you can just include a “near me” at the end of your search term/phrase. If you want a specialized one you can specify it. For instance, you can search for “erotic eBook ghostwriter” if you want such an eBook.


There are so many factors you need to put into consideration to properly filter out all the noise and find the ideal one for your project. If you don’t, you might end up hiring a subpar eBook ghostwriter that only got to the top of the results due to good SEO skills. You also need to know the difference between an ad on search engines and organic results.


Nonetheless, you can find some pretty skilled freelance writers if you have good “googling” skills.


With the abundance of sources of information on the internet, a breakdown of where you can find eBook ghostwriters is an important piece of the puzzle that is writing a quality eBook. With these five options, it will be easy for you to find a fiction writer to help you create the exact eBook you envision.


But now that you are already here, why would you want to look anywhere else? Isn't it a bit too hectic to look for one and that is why you found yourself here? Just give us a call at Zoey Writers, as we have an experienced  ghostwriter that you are looking for.


Find the Best Ghostwriting Services Here at Zoey Writers


Perhaps you want to leave a legacy, but you’re too busy living your life to dedicate time to your writing project.


Or perhaps you want to increase your business’ reach and extend your brand, but can’t due to time-constraints  as you’re too busy running your business. 


If you’ve got an excellent idea but haven’t got the writing skills, time, or the desire to actually sit down and transform those ideas into high-quality content for your eBook, Zoey Writers can help.


We are a content writing agency that provides a wide range of content writing services, including eBook Ghostwriting. We have writers with experience writing different kinds of content, as well as proficient editors who ensure that our clients get a high-quality end product.


Whatever you want to be written, whether it is fiction books, nonfiction books, memoirs, how-to guides, or anything in between, our professional writers are capable of handling all your ghostwriting projects with ease. 


Besides providing eBook writing services, our online writing experts are adept at other types of content writing, including article writing,  blog writing, creative writing, editorial writing, SEO writing, and so much more. Once you delegate the ghostwriting job to us, you can rest assured that you’ll get original content that will guarantee that your online marketing efforts will bear fruits. 

Check out our ebook writing services or contact us today to talk about your ideas and we will assign an experienced genre fiction author to transform your ideas into legitimate stories.

Photo by Min An from Pexels: Thanks Min : )