White Paper Writing Tools that Separate Professionals from Amateurs 

Here is what you, as a white paper writer, have in common with a lawyer:


  • You have to back up your case with a mountain of research,
  • You have no room for errors.


Every topic you cover, every point you argue, and every source you cite needs to be well-chosen, researched, and presented. The topics and pile of research need to be impeccably organized for you to fit the right piece exactly where it is needed. 


It is the main difference between a white paper (or case for a lawyer) that hits the mark, and one that flops. And boy, wouldn’t flopping be a bummer after spending countless hours pouring your sweat and blood into it.


According to a survey report by Ascend2, white papers and research reports are the most effective forms of marketing content. According to the same survey, 62% of the content marketers surveyed said white papers and research reports are second to videos and podcasts in the most difficult types of content to create.




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That is why you shouldn't write your white papers, whether you are an amateur or have been doing it for a while. There are a plethora of tools that can help amateur white paper writers come up with expert-level content. Here are some of them:


1. Index Cards


They are a bit old school, and you will be hard-pressed to find someone who prefers them over cell phones and other devices. But they are an excellent, convenient and effective organizational tool for white paper writers to sort through their ideas. As a bonus, they never run out of batteries and are much easier to sort through compared to devices.


The reason why index cards are such an invaluable tool for writing white papers is because of the number of studies and researches required for a quality paper. Sometimes, you have to read thirty pages of research just to write a single sentence.







Cards can help you organize your thoughts because you can use different colors for different topics like a mouse in a European children’s book.


So, grab a stack of index cards, a pen, a cup of whatever you take to get your gears turning, and find a comfortable spot. We are going to draft every topic, idea, and source using index cards.


  1. Take each index card and write a topic, subtopic, or idea that you intend on covering with your whitepaper. Use as many index cards as it takes to exhaust all your ideas.
  2. The topics don’t have to be in order so you can write them arbitrarily as fast as you remember them. You will sort through them later.
  3. On the other side of the index cards, write a short outline of the topic or idea.
  4. Keeping in mind that you have only one index card per topic, under the short outline, write notes about each topic and their sources. Write as little or as much as it takes to remain within the one-card-per-topic rule.
  5. Lay out the cards in front of you on the floor or on a large table, outline-side up. Using the outline, arrange them in order from the first to the last. Think of it as storyboarding, only that you are using text without images.
  6. Laying them out and reading them while sorting allows you to understand the bigger picture as you can see how the individual topics blend together to form the whole piece.
  7. With everything in place, check if the progression makes sense, if there is any source not cited, and if there is any component missing. Move around the pieces until you feel that everything is right. If you feel that an additional topic is needed, you can simply insert a new card.
  8. Collect the index cards in order and start creating your white paper from the first to the last.


The best thing about physical cards is they are tactile and you can lay them out in front of you or pin them on a board to see the entire picture. However, if you feel they are not for you, there are various apps and software that allow you to create virtual index cards. Although they are quite different from physical cards, they generally work the same.


2. Templates


It is one thing to know how to create blogs, articles, and social media posts, and a whole different thing to know how to create high-quality white papers that attract and convert potential customers.


See, for these other forms of long-form content, there aren't many formatting rules to follow. But for white papers, there are specific guidelines and a format to follow lest it ceases to be a white paper. So, unless you have been at it for a while and know the various ways you can play around with the white paper format and not veer too far away from the guidelines, you should look into using templates.


Here are a couple of reasons why you should use templates as a tool to write white papers.


  • Templates are efficient


You only need to create your white paper template once. If you ever need to create another white paper, you won't need to brainstorm on the format to use. A white paper template will take the time-consuming part out of creating your white paper, leaving you to focus on the main content.


  • They ensure consistency

To strengthen your brand, one of the most important factors is consistency in voice and message. That is why white paper templates are important when creating all types of content. Their pre-determined layout and structure enforce overall consistency in all your white papers, strengthening your brand.


  • Accuracy

We have all done it, haven't we? Sent an email or submitted a paper or document only to realize there is something important we missed. Right?






Think of writing a content marketing white paper like going shopping. It’s not a must you go with a shopping list, but you have fewer chances of forgetting something if you have one. Similar to that, you have zero chance of omitting something from your paper if you have a template.


Elements of the template, such as headers, serve as a reminder of what sections, points, citations, and topics to include.


  • They increase flexibility


White paper templates increase flexibility as they are easy to update to meet different white paper requirements. Also, if you have a library of templates to pick from, you can easily select the best one for your target reader and message. The more choices you have, the more independence and power you have to create an amazing white paper.


  • They provide inspiration


Every writer has at least once looked at a topic on a blank page and wondered, now what?






With a library of white paper templates, you don’t have to waste time thinking of where to start. You already have the steps you are going to take to craft your white paper so you can hit the ground running.


The two tools we have extensively covered above, as we mentioned, are to help writers, sales teams, and marketing teams sort through their ideas and points. Without properly sorting through all of them, your white paper will just be great ideas bundled together in a huge mess.


3. Google Trends


Google Trends is one of the most useful and powerful tools to research keywords and trending topics. It allows you to know before creating your white paper what your target audience is interested in and curious about.


You can use this information to infuse your white paper with specific words to improve your search engine ranking, ensuring your white paper reaches a wider audience.


Some of the ways you can use Google Trends to improve your white paper include:


  • Understanding keyword search volume
  • Identifying seasonal trends and avoiding temporarily popular keywords
  • Finding trending topics and using trend predictions to know what is trending next
  • Finding related papers to beat the competition
  • Optimizing your SEO strategy


4. Grammarly


A white paper needs to be completely unique and error-free. You cannot get away with any kind of mistake. 






A slight error and the whole thing could appear useless to most industry experts. That is why apart from asking a colleague to read through the entire document and point out any errors they detect, you need a tool to point out grammatical mistakes, poor word context, and suggest better vocabulary options to ensure your paper is spotless.

You can even use it to check for plagiarism to ensure your informational document is completely unique.


5. SEMrush Topic Research Tool


When creating any type of content, it’s important to have your target reader in mind. SEMrush Topic Research Tool allows you to come up with lots of potential ideas for your topic in just a couple of clicks. You only need to enter your topic and see the related topics and questions being asked around it. Using the results, you can then create quality content surrounding your target readers and their needs.


For you to enjoy the enormous potential of white papers, you only need to make sure they are of the highest quality possible. There is no way around it. In a highly competitive business world, having a valuable document is the only way you can increase conversions, strengthen your brand, and become an authority in your industry.


I am sure there are more white paper writing tools you can use to churn out high-quality white papers, but as long as you have the above to properly plan your content and execute it, you have the most important ones.


Hire a White Paper Writing Expert and Chill Out


DIY projects can be cost-effective and fun – until they aren’t. Writing white papers and other business reports, especially when you have other important matters to handle, is one of such projects that seem easy to do, but they usually aren’t. 


Why spend too much of your time figuring out what inbound marketing tool to use, what format to use, and what not, while there are professionals who have it all at their fingertips? 


At Zoey Writers, we have professional white paper writers who create this type of content as if it was the only thing they were born to do. Like their life depends on it. 


If it feels even the slightest bit overwhelming and frustrating (which it is), or you just don’t know where to start, you should seriously consider hiring us. Our white paper writing services will create white papers that:


  • Attract more high-quality sales leads,
  • Move these leads through your sales funnel,
  • Enhance your credibility with prospective customers,
  • Positively influence your customers’ purchasing decisions,
  • Turn one-time buyers into long-time customers,
  • And so more!


Are you ready to transform your white paper from a boring document to an insightful piece? Would you like to know how to use white papers as a lead generation tool? Or, do you lack the time or the relevant business writing skills? We are here to help.


Check out our white paper writing services today for more information about our white paper writing services.


Photo by Canva Studio from Pexels: Thanks Canva!