Top 12 Tips to Land Tech Jobs in a Tough Market

Recent years have seen tech-related layoffs hitting the news headlines. With thousands of tech employees now jobless, the future can seem grim for students, graduates, and current employees in these fields. 


But a rock-solid plan plus tried-and-true tips can help you secure and keep your dream job. This article lays bare everything you need to prepare for the future. 


But first, when did the tech-related industries arrive here?


What Caused this Avalanche of Layoffs?


A few years ago, tech behemoths were contending with a talent shortage, prompting them to scramble for qualified candidates. In fact, most companies offered candidates unprecedented compensation packages to attract and keep them, leading to over-hiring and over-compensation.


From a candidate's point of view, landing a tech job was a breeze due to thousands of vacant roles. This scenario attracted more people to pursue courses in these lucrative fields. 


However, a paradigm shift hit the tech industries towards the tail-end of 2022. Companies realized they had over-leveraged their talents, and over-hiring plus over-compensation wasn't feasible anymore. The solution was to let go of many employees to slash costs.


So now, IT candidates lack the upper hand in the job market. 


Gloomy reality, right? 


But don't throw in the towel yet.


Read on to discover tips to set you apart from the pack, increase your chances of being picked up for that lucrative role, and help you climb the career ladder.


1. Gather Your Mind


Did you get the axe? That cocktail of fear, resentment, and anger are normal reactions in such a situation. 


But remember this: You aren't your job, and the over-hiring spree wasn't your mistake. 


Instead, take pride in the skills, achievements, and relationships you've created. They're among your most treasured assets that no employer can ever take from you. 


Also, let other people in on what you're going through. They could be your loved ones, previous colleagues, or friends. 


These guys can offer a shoulder to lean on while you find your bearings. They can even come through when your savings dwindle before you get another job. 


2. Reflect on Your Past


What are your past experiences, skills, wins, and failures? These assets help you re-strategize the future from a point of understanding. 


Pinpoint what you love doing and are good at? Peter Yang says that an individual's skills and experiences fall under four zones:


  • Zone of incompetence
  • Zone of competence
  • Zone of Excellence
  • Zone of Genius


Remember to identify what steals your heart…and time. In other words, don’t stick with what you hate doing even if you’re good at it. 


3. Plan the Way Forward


Next, it's time to cast your eyes ahead. Where do you desire to be career-wise? Have a SMART goal that relates to your zone of genius. 


For instance, if you love designing WordPress websites, one of your goals can be "to be a website designer in a digital marketing company in the next five years."


4. List down your potential future companies


While the tech industry is under a hiring freeze, predictions show the job market will stabilize. So, after penning down your long-term goals, write down employers that fit those goals. 


But go slow with the large giants and focus on the smaller firms first. In fact, many smaller companies still want talent.


A great potential employer has the following:


  • Values and mission that fit your goals
  • Product-market fit
  • A sustainable organization with long-term growth potential


But where do these companies and their recruiter hang out? Usher in networking.


And the best place to start your networking journey? LinkedIn. 


5. Befriend LinkedIn


LinkedIn is a massive strategy in itself.


It's more than just another social media platform. It's where professionals from all industries connect and share ideas. 


So, if you aren't yet on LinkedIn, it's time to hop on it. Then, complete your profile with your latest achievements, skills, education, and anything else that usually goes into your traditional resume. 


Yes, LinkedIn can breathe life back into that resume that has started to gather dust.


6. Reach out to Old Connections


LinkedIn isn't a secret. In fact, most of your former managers, friends, and coworkers are already there.


So reconnect with them using the Search and messaging features. And if you already have their contacts or mutual LinkedIn connections, the platform's algorithm will help your profile grow by suggesting "people you might know." 


Ask these old connections if they've heard about an open role that requires your skill set. They can also help you link up with the hiring manager for that role.


7. Connect with Strangers


Next, reach out to strangers. In fact, people you don't know are willing to offer their helping hand in this challenging period. 


So don't hesitate to contact workers at your target companies, including fellow tech professionals, decision-makers, and recruiters. But your cold outreach won't get you far if it sounds like the following message:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/



Instead, pack impactful punches into it to increase your response or connection acceptance rate. Speak briefly about your credentials and how they can drive value. Next, end with a low-effort CTA. Learn from the following outreach:,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/



But don't stop there. Follow up at least three times before throwing in the towel. 


8. Engage Continuously


If you've reached this far, pat yourself on the back. You can now sit back and cross your fingers, hoping you've finally landed on a hiring manager's radar. Right? 


Unfortunately, that's the easiest way to fall into the "forgotten" abyss. You have to be active on the platform and prevent your account from growing weeds. 


So even if no position is open, weave and deepen your relationship through constant engagement. Here's how to play this game: 


  • Share industry-related articles
  • Post your own content
  • Like, comment on, and share others' posts


While you can post some funny cat images that could go viral, remember to stay relevant to your connections. High-quality comments, posts, and articles distinguish you from other potential job hunters. 


And that's how you'll be top of mind when a connection has or hears about a position that needs your skills and qualifications. 


9. Be Resilient


Let's face it- job hunting can be a stressful experience. And in today's world, any lucrative vacant position attracts a horde of applicants. Those 200+ competitors scrambling for the same software engineering position implies an uphill battle. 


But stay resilient. Set a weekly goal regarding the number of job positions to apply for and strive to achieve it. 


Did a job opening pop up on your notification? Apply as soon as possible, even if applications to previous openings didn't sail through. Ensure your resume has an ingredient that makes you skyrocket above the pack. 


Rejectio0ns are waiting for you at every turn of the road. But accept and learn from them then tweak your resume accordingly. You only need a few "Yes" to set the floodgate open. 


While you should focus on roles whose requirements match your skill set, you don't have to tick all the boxes to stand a chance of scooping a great position. 


That's where the next tip comes in.


10. Expand Your Reach and Skillset


The tech industry doesn't pigeonhole you into just one title. So, look beyond your current title to discover other areas where your skills could be helpful.


For instance, if you have a data analytics degree, your skills allow you to be a business, finance, or business intelligence analyst. 


How about going for that data reporting or SQL analyst opening? Being fluid and open to more related opportunities improves your chances of grabbing a job sooner rather than later.


Also, remember to enrich your career path with relevant certifications. For instance, an SQL certification can help you jump from a data analyst to an SQL analyst. 


11. Don't Forget Other Networking Places


Talking of expanding your reach, remember to network beyond LinkedIn. Why not attend those events in your industry, both online and offline? That’s a huge step that can reward you. 


Other places include:



Another trick is to hunt for organizations that have raised capital recently. Connect with the investors since they desire their portfolio firms to get top-in-class candidates and succeed. 


12. Prepare for Interviews in Advance


Success is when opportunity meets preparation. This adage will always be true.


So prepare to tackle any interview even if none has popped up yet. 


  • Keep your resume and answers ready: Prepare brief but impactful answers to common interview questions such as achievements and failures. 
  • Seek help online: Many tech professionals on LinkedIn and other places are willing to help you ace your next interview.


Practice makes perfect. So find a friend sailing in the same boat and practice mock interviews. 


Has someone invited you for an interview? Your efforts have begun to pay off!


Celebrate Small Victories


Celebrate those victories at every step of your job-hunting mission- from creating a gathering of your minds to attending interviews.  


Did you land a job? Cheers!


Don't despise that new job, even if it looks small. 


Instead, prepare to give it your best, connect with fellow professionals in the company, and create achievements plus experiences. 


Zoey Marketers, Your Companions in These Tough Economy


With these tips, we believe you're closer to your dream job and company. And if you’re looking for a team that will walk with you through this promising journey, look no further.


At Zoey, we are ready to craft your resume, create a killer LinkedIn profile, and maintain your online presence. Contact us today to get started. 


Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels. Thank you Tim!