The Anatomy of Outstanding Website Content: 10 Must-Have Ingredients and How to Pull Them All Together for Perfection.

Of all truths you’ve ever heard about our universe, only three are downright indisputable.


One is—you guessed it—the sky being blue. The second truth is well-publicized in all quarters imaginable: the existence of a higher, more superior being.


The final truth?


Our beloved web continually bursting with bad, lifeless, coma-inducing content.


In fact, there’s so much crap out there that people (you included) are having a hard time discerning which facts are actually facts, which sources are legitimate, and who can be trusted.


As a recent Gallup survey shows, people’s trust in the mass media is eroding at warp’s speed. This distrust isn’t random—the internet has largely helped sow these seeds.


So, what happens when you swoop in with accurate, addictive, valuable web content?


A distinguishable light ensues; one that shines through the vastness of the dark.







Impeccable web content is a torch that leads the way, setting an example for other site owners to follow.


That’s why I’m here today with the ten “must-have” elements for great website content. Start setting yourself from the online glut of mediocrity with this exclusive rundown.


Wait, Is there Such a Thing as Outstanding Website Content?


Heck yes!


That explains why some websites dominate the first page of SERPs like it’s their birthright and others languish on page 365, for 365 days straight.


That said, writing great content calls for hitting a series of bullseyes.


All of them have to satisfy your target audience (no surprise there).


No matter the topic you’re covering, no matter which industry you’re writing for, greatness always follows this anatomical structure:

  • The Brain: Is it informative, educational, or practical?
  • The Skeleton: Is it well put together? Does it make sense as a whole?
  • The Muscle: Does it pull you in? Does it make you want/need to keep reading?
  • The Heart: Does it resonate? Does it entertain you?
  • To make sure your website content sings and pulls in new leads like a vacuum on steroids, include each of these vital parts.


On a more granular level, though, the aforementioned parts boil down to ten key ingredients, as we’ll find out in the subsequent section.


And Oh! Here are some golden rules you should never miss when writing website content. 


What Goes Into an Outstanding Piece of Website Content? Ingredients + Step-by-Step Process


While throwing together the perfect web copy can feel intimidating, it’s as simple as memorizing a straightforward ingredient list, assembling it all with love, and giving it the time, space, and attention it needs to develop into something extraordinary…like a pastry chef creating a beautiful, drool-worthy cake.


Be sure to have these ten ingredients on hand before you start assembling the perfect blog:

  • 1 stellar headline
  • 5-7 sentences of compelling introduction
  • 1 heaping spoonful creativity
  • Several relevant and eye-popping headers
  • 2 succinct body copy
  • Four handfuls research
  • Six parts formatting
  • 1 part conclusion
  • 1 sprinkle of enthusiasm
  • Love (for garnish)


Once you’ve gathered all your ingredients, follow these simple steps:


1. Assemble the Headline


The title sets the stage for the rest of the blog, landing page, article, or whatever it is you’re writing. So it’s important to get it right, the first time.


If you don’t spend enough on it, or if you throw it together hastily, the post will fall when you pull it out of the oven.


With that in mind, be sure to mix the right amount of information, length, and intrigue into the title.


Remember, headlines with numbers taste better to readers, so you may consider sprinkling some in. 


For the best results, keep your title under 160 characters so it doesn’t get the hangman treatment.


Here are some additional tips to make your headlines even tastier:

  • Use adjectives, but not too many
  • Be specific 
  • Spice up your verbs


2. Lay Out Your Intro


Next comes the introduction.


Since the intro supports the title, you’ll need it to be nice and firm. Take your time laying it out and be sure to keep it short, sweet, and snappy.


Don’t let it be too thin. Otherwise, it won’t be able to support your hefty, head-turning title. 


While at it, make sure it’s not too dense as this will most definitely drive your readers away. 


Makes sense?







Once your intro is in the right consistency, let it rise for 4-6 hours before revisiting it again.


3. Structure Your Subheaders


Your subheaders are the pieces of your perfect website content that help guide readers through. So you’ll want to ensure they’re well-spaced and informative.


For best results, add a subheader every 300-350 headers, so your content doesn’t become too dense. 


Be sure to use numbers throughout, and for the best taste, keep your subheaders impactful and informative.


4. Mix Together Body Copy


And breathe…


This is the “rubber-meets-the-road” moment for your perfect piece of content. Any loose ends here, and it’ll come crashing down like a house of cards.


For the body copy, you’ll need to assemble together your research, creativity, and formatting in a large bowl and stir until well combined.


If necessary (and duh, it’s almost always necessary), add more research to reach the right consistency. 


Organization is critical to outstanding website content, so you’ll need to reel in this aspect as well. 


Explaining a concept? Go from basic to complicated. Writing a tipsheet? Go from most-important to least-important. Writing a guide? Go step-by-step. And so on and so forth; you get the drill.


Now it’s time to link your perfect web copy to high-quality sources. Here’s when to cite a source and provide a link:


Once you’ve secured your citations and links, turn your attention to the formatting. Half of the fun of creating a perfect web copy is making it look beautiful and pleasant to the eye (hey there, Gers Ogaily cake).


With that in mind, use bolded subheaders, H1, H2, and H3 tags, numbered and bulleted lists, and plenty of images. And it makes perfect sense—images add visual interest, clarity, and even humor or excitement to web content.


Be sure to sprinkle them to taste.


5. Check in On the Word Count


The length of your perfect piece of content is just as important to its taste, consistency, and texture, so you’ll be damned not pay close attention.


Top-drawer website content is thorough.


And, usually, thorough = comprehensive = long form


You’re not merely skimming the surface of a topic; you’re diving deep into the depths to explore every nook and cranny. This could mean 2-5,000 words.


Keep in mind, though, that 74% of blog posts that get read are under 3 minutes long, according to Buffer. That amounts to 1,600 words or thereabout.


So, does this mean you should ditch long-form content in favor of shorter, snapper pieces of content that get the point across quicker than you can say “Yummy!”?


No. Not really.


Interestingly enough, the content that gets the most shares is usually audience-dependent. For example, Buffer recently found out that their most popular posts clock well over 2,500 words.


The bottom line? Don’t be afraid to go long when you’re figuring out what your perfect web copy should look like.







Source: Buffer


7.  Arrange Your Conclusion


Your conclusion is the last part of your web copy, so you’ll want to pay particular attention to this. 


As you write your conclusion, be sure it sums up the main points of your content piece and gives your reader a tasty little morsel with which to end the post.


Any fluff should be cut out so as to preserve the taste. For the thousandth time, high-quality content is king (long live the king).







Bear in mind that conclusions read better if they’re allowed to rest before publishing. So you’d be smart to let yours sit for 4-6 hours before finishing.


8. Finish the Post


Once your content piece has cooled for 4-6 hours, run back through it one more time—this time, with a third-eye and a crazy attention to detail (read: thorough).


To that end, cut out any fluff that has risen to the top, tighten up the language, remove any unnecessary prose and words, and reshape the post into a narrative arc the reader would pay top dollar to interact with.


Edit 2-3 times before hitting that “publish now” button and consider asking someone else to read the post as well, you know, for posterity’s sake.


Once the content piece is finished, sprinkle it with a dash of enthusiasm and love, for garnish, and publish across your content channel and favorite social media platforms (if need be).


To wrap it all up, serve hot with a side of responsiveness and engagement to everyone who reaches out about the post.


And with that, I say, congratulations!


You’ve just assembled an astounding piece of website content! That wasn’t as hard as you thought, was it?


Keep in mind that blog posts, articles, landing pages, and other content types are all very flexible. So you can repeat this recipe, trying out various lengths, topics, methods, and writing styles to see what works best.


That’s Too Much Baking Work, But It’s Nothing Our Master “Chefs” Can’t Handle


Now, before we go on and on about how impeccable our website content writing services are (that’s true, btw), I’d like to say one more thing, or maybe two.


To keep your content pieces high-quality, be sure to never rush the recipe, and always allow time for them to rise and cool before you publish them.


Also, don’t forget to decorate liberally with a ton of love and enthusiasm, as this is what sets apart one blog post (or article, or any other type of content) from another and puts the final beautiful touches on your website content “cake.”

Besides, there's still more on optimizing your website content, and a little more you have to know for you to create outstanding website content. 


Already feeling overwhelmed by the mere thought of baking a delectable content cake and need some assistance? We’re here for you.


Think of any cake (we mean, content type) in the world, and you can be sure we’ve got the expertise, finesse, and love (insert your brand voice) to bake it to perfection. 


If you’re skeptical, or if all of this sounds a bit overzealous, there’s only one way to find out: send us a quick message today. Let us make your web copy “cake” the tastiest, most beautiful one this side of baking!

Photo by Calum Lewis on Unsplash: Thanks Calum : )