Should I Hire a Copywriter to Write My Website Content?

If you are torn between writing your website content and hiring a copywriter, you are not alone. Most business owners who run websites feel the same. 


Maybe you can’t decide because you’re afraid a copywriter will not reach your expectations. On the other hand, you want to outsource writing because your busy schedule can’t spare you time to write.


What do you do? Learning the benefits of outsourcing your web content to a copywriter and then hiring one will put you at ease.


A copywriter will take care of your web content and spare you time to focus on growing your business. They know how to tailor their writing to get visitors to buy, subscribe, or take other actions.


What Could Go Wrong If You Write Your Web Content?


Writing web content is more than putting down words about who you are and what you do. Every final piece should engage, evoke emotion and call them to take action.


If you aren’t familiar with the words, format and strategies, you are better off hiring a copywriter. A lack of copywriting skills could lead to several mistakes:


  • Inability to distinguish between different writing tones.
  • Failure to recognize grammar mistakes.
  • Writing content without backlinks to your site.
  • Writing content without SEO phrases.
  • Inability to grasp the eleven fundamentals of optiziming your website content
  • Writing shallow content due to lack of research skills.
  • Using jargon because you can’t break down information well.
  • Repetition because you ran out of topics to write about.


What Does a Copywriter Do Behind the Scenes?


A copywriter will do much more than just write content. Writing is just a portion of what they do to create compelling copy that is well researched and specific to your audience.


They write content that identifies your audience’s pain points and offers a solution. The content is SEO-infused, authentic and uses the right tone.


Before writing, a copywriter will research your industry, audience and competitors. To ensure your website appears on the search results, they must find out what your audience is searching for online, then know which keywords to use.


Next, the copywriter will create a strategy that highlights your business and what you do in an interesting way.


Finally, they will start writing and make sure no sentence is wasted. Each sentence represents what your business does, is relevant to your audience, and is optimized for search engines.


As you can see, a lot goes into copywriting before the final piece is published on your website. You may know your business well but lack the skills to put it into writing, or you may have the writing skills but lack the time to write.


Either way you need a copywriter.


How Will Hiring a Copywriter Benefit Your Website


Hiring a copywriter to craft your website content is an investment. Therefore you need to see results, after all, you are paying them. What are these results?


1. Your Website Will Rank In Search Results


One of the best return on investment a copywriter can give you is to write content that ranks on search engines. This ranking should happen organically without paid advertisement.


Copywriters understand that SEO is crucial to copywriting and doing it wrongly is a waste of your investment. SEO is not just inserting keywords, there’s keyword research, formatting and optimizing specific areas.


Unlike a web designer who creates an appealing website, a copywriter is the one who makes sure visitors find your website.


2. Your Content Will Convert Visitors


Once visitors have landed on your site, the work doesn’t end there, it has begun. How will you move the visitors through their buyer’s journey? Your copywriter, of course. You hire them again.


Even with engaging website content, that’s not the main reason visitors read. They are searching for clues as to whether you can solve their problems. If they find enough clues, they will begin their buyer’s journey.


Your copywriter will provide the necessary cues to hook them.and continue writing content that will create trust and open up the visitors to take action, like buying or subscribing.


3. Get Fresh Regular Content


On your own, you’ll probably run out of topics to write about, which leads to repetition. Your audience craves fresh content on a regular basis, and who else can deliver that? A copywriter.


Copywriters have a vast knowledge, they write on different topics every day. This means they are able to whip up different topics to write about without a struggle. They ‘ve done that for different clients over and over again.


The need for fresh content is real. Bore your audience and they will use that as an excuse to leave your site even though you managed to lure them in the first time.


Fresh. Regular. Content. Your website depends on it.


4. You Will Save Time


Some people are born with a passion for writing, they do it effortlessly. Those without a natural passion have to learn, and learning takes time.


Do you have the time to learn?


A copywriter will free up the time you would have spent on learning how to write, and also actual time you will need to write the content.


You need this free time you get to focus on other aspects of growing your business. Leave the writing to the experts.


When Should You Hire A Copywriter?


Now is the time. If you are reading this, then you are struggling with website content and are looking for a solution


No need for you to wear many hats. Just focus on growing your business and let an expert copywriter focus on creating compelling copy for you. 


When done well, website content has the ability to increase your website traffic and convert visitors to buyers.


Do you want your website to promote your brand and bring in sales even when you are asleep or on holiday? It’s time to hire an expert.


Increase your online presence and take your business to the next level with Zoey Writers. Our website content writing services can bring your website to life in a way you've never imagined. Contact us today to learn more.



Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash. Thanks, Christin:)